Every treasure that I create here in New Zealand, is unique and intuitively coded with Sacred Geometry.
I work closely with Spirit, and with you, to create something personal, healing, sacred, and one of a kind for yourself or a loved one.
Every treasure I create, is smudged, blessed, and cleared using Sage, Lemongrass, and sometimes Palo Santo (Holy Wood).
I also infuse each treasure using Sound Healing.
I use either small metal Tibetan Singing Bowls, Bells, or Cymbals (tuned to the Crown Chakra), or most commonly, a large Tibetan Crystal Singing Bowl, which is tuned to the frequency of the Heart Chakra.
These techniques have been implemented for personal and collective wellbeing throughout many cultures worldwide, for thousands of years.
All packaging can be recycled, re-used, or comes from a sustainable source.
Read more about me below!

Hi! I'm Carolyn, the artist and founder of Pure Craft Nz.
I live in Auckland, New Zealand with my three children Bronson, Sean, and Saxon, and our two cats Thunder, and Anubis.
I have a love and passion for the Arts in many different forms. I am a self taught jewellery designer and creator. I taught myself to draw before the age of 6, and became a published poet at age 17.
I was accepted into a 2D Animation Diploma at the age of 15 years old, based in the Auckland CBD. I have been published as a contributing author in numerous books and poetry books throughout the years. I am a certified computer technician, and am also skilled in web design, digital art - from matte painting/photo-manipulation in Photoshop, to 2D and 3D animation using Flash, After Effects, and Maya Unlimited etc - and am a self taught photographer.
As a young child, and into my teens, I developed a fascination with the Spirit World. This fascination and faith continues to this day, and I have witnessed some amazing healing, and even miracles take place, starting with my oldest son Bronson.
I have 26 years experience with natural, metaphysical, and vibrational healing therapies, and am adept at reading the Tarot, Oracle cards, and Symbology. Because of my experience and knowledge, I was awarded professional certification as a Natural Therapist with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.
I started Pure Craft Nz as a way to share not only my arts, but to bring wonderful metaphysical healing, and vibrational therapies into the world.
Pure Craft New Zealand's name is derived from my last name, which means "Pure Craftsman".
I come from English, French, Maltese, Spanish, and Maori descent (that I know of so far!).
My Iwi (or tribe) in New Zealand is Ngati Porou, and I am a descendant of the Spanish man Manuel Jose. The Spanish-Maori descendants in New Zealand are known as the Paniora. Sir Apirana Ngata is also a descendant of the same line, and is featured on the New Zealand $50 bill.
The natural wonders of this world & our Universe will never cease to amaze & inspire me.
I love this planet.
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Updated in 2022.